What’s the top athlete’s secret to performing at their optimal level as a competitor? They make recovery a top priority, massage therapy specifically! The soft tissue treatment that comes from the different modalities massage therapy offers is a vital component of a weightlifter's recovery. Some of the benefits you can get are an increase in circulation, increased flexibility, a decrease in overall tension, pain reduction, and improvement in your sleep.

Benefit #1: Circulation

Delayed onset muscle soreness is the worst after high-volume training days. The lactic acid buildup the next day can put a damper on our motivation to lift or even take the stairs. We also know that massage will increase circulation, but why will this benefit you, the athlete? When training our muscles they will get tiny tears, also known as micro trauma to the muscle and fascia. The increase in circulation will help bring in oxygen and vital nutrients that the muscles need and remove toxins at the same time. This will lead to faster recovery and faster turnover time for effective training.

Benefit #2: Increase Flexibility 

Have you ever tried performing a snatch, but your range of motion prevented you from completing it cleanly? 

For you to perform at your best in Olympic weightlifting, you not only need to be strong, but you need to be flexible. Flexibility is key for proper form in your lifts. If one part of the chain is “off, “the rest of the chain can not work properly. It’s all about balance. Due to the high training volume, muscles will experience tension and adhesions. This is what causes the stiffness or decrease in flexibility. It can also cause injury if ignored. Massage therapists can offer stretch- and sports-specific massages to help you relieve the imbalances. Including massage in your training can have you performing at your peak performance.

Benefit #3: Decrease in Overall Tension

Speaking of tension, it’s not just your muscles that experience this. Mentally, a lifter can experience tension. Massage can help alleviate competition or everyday tension due to stress or anxiety. Massage can help the lifter clear their mind and relax a little more.

Benefit #4: Pain Reduction

Pain can definitely knock you off of your game and can psych you out as an athlete. This is why proper therapies and recovery are so important to you. Your massage therapist can help prevent injury by helping alleviate inflammation, muscle tension, Range of motion, and nerve entrapment. 

Benefit #5: Improve Sleep

Sleep is a big part of recovery for an athlete. Massage therapy can improve the quality of your sleep, helping you get a better night's rest. As an athlete, have you ever gone to bed after a high-volume training day and couldn’t get comfortable? Well, massage can help alleviate that soreness and stiffness you are feeling. Allowing you to fall into a deeper and longer sleep.

Massage at PFP

If an athlete has a massage once a week, it will allow them to keep their body performing at its peak ability, balanced, and rested.  By coming in regularly, your therapist can help spot potential issues before they get too bad. If you are having trouble with recovery or are experiencing pain, make an appointment with us at the Pittsburgh Fitness Project! 

Let us help you be a beast at your next competition!




WEIGHTLIFTING SEMINAR: What to Expect and What You Can Learn