Blog Graphic: Open Water Swimming Around Pittsburgh. Image of a lake surrounded bush lush trees.

With the weather getting warmer people are looking for ways to get out and enjoy nature, especially swimmers. Those who enjoy swimming workouts, whether it is for exercise or competition, have the opportunity to get out in the sun and train outdoors during the summer. In this article you will learn some safety considerations for training in open water, as well as some places you can do it yourself this summer!

The Biggest Consideration

The biggest thing to consider when staying safe with open water swimming are the water conditions. Whenever you swim, take a few minutes to survey the water before entering. Look for any boat traffic, marine life, landmarks, currents, dangerous debris in the shoreline, or incoming weather. If there are other swimmers already there it can be helpful to ask how the conditions were for them! Never go out if the conditions are questionable as nature can be powerful and unpredictable.

Swim with a Buddy

Swimming with a buddy is also recommended. Open water can be unpredictable so having a buddy is a safe solution to swimming in a sometimes chaotic environment. If swimming around an area with other traffic (rowers, boats, paddlers) it is a good idea to have someone lead with a kayak. This way you are more easily seen on the water.

Groups You Can Join

For all levels swimming with a buddy in and out of the water is the safest bet. Moraine State park offers a group open water swimming program Monday evenings from 5-7 PM May through September. This program is a great introduction to open water swimming for those that may need instruction as well as a good course for those with experience to train.

If you are someone who already trains in open water, consider joining a Masters Swim Team in your area. Pittsburgh has more than a few masters teams, I coach the North Hills Masters team located at North Hills High School. Pool training can be helpful for improving stroke technique as it is a more controlled environment than open water. Pairing pool training and open water training can be a great way to capitalize on the nice weather and still improve your swimming. Check out this link to find Masters teams in your area.


