Blog Graphic: Safety Tips for Summer Workouts by co-owner Brian Clista, MD

It’s hot outside! Summer months bring humidity as well as heat. Unfortunately, we are likely to see more heat and humidity in the future. So how can you exercise outdoors in these conditions? Let’s look at some safety tips for summer workouts.

Time Your Workouts

Try working out in the early morning or in the evening when temperatures may be lower.  If you can’t work out at those times, watch the temperature throughout the day to see when it may be the coolest.

Wear the Right Clothing 

Put on loose-fitting, breathable clothing when exercising outdoors. Light-colored clothing better reflects heat.

Wear workout fabrics that wick sweat off your body which helps cool you down.


Drink, drink, drink.

Drink at least 8 oz of water 30 minutes prior to your workout, then drink another 4 – 6 oz every 20 minutes. Add ice cubes to your drink if you can.

Water should suffice for the first 60 minutes of your workout. A low-sugar electrolyte drink will help after that.  

Watch the Humidity

Our bodies cool off when sweat evaporates off our skin. Humidity – or that sticky feeling in the air – interferes with that process. We may not be able to cool down as well, and you can “feel” hotter in lower temperatures if the humidity is high.

On a very humid day, think about exercising indoors in the air conditioning. (Like at a PFP Method Class!)  

Use Sunscreen

Sun-damaged skin loses more moisture. Apply a palm’s worth of sunscreen every few hours. Exercise in the shade if you can as well.

Watch Out for Signs of Heat-Related Illness

Early signs of heat-related illness can include heavy sweating and muscle cramps.  If heat illness progresses, symptoms can develop like:

·      Fast pulse

·      Nausea or vomiting

·      Weakness

·      Dizziness

·      Headache

·      Clammy skin

If symptoms worsen, you may actually stop sweating, and your skin can become dry. You may feel confused or feel faint. At the earliest signs of heat illness, drink water and get out of the heat.  Loosen your clothing and apply cold compresses.

Call 911 if you have persistent nausea or vomiting, feel faint, or become confused.   

Stay Safe Out There!

Outdoor exercise in the summer can be a challenge. Pay attention to the humidity as well as the heat, and wear the right clothing. Drink a lot of cold liquids. If you start to feel any signs of heat-related illness, find a cool place, drink liquids, and apply cold compresses. If you can’t beat the heat, exercise indoors in the AC. The Pittsburgh Fitness Project has plenty of classes to offer at our facility!


