A goal is something that you should treat no differently than a soccer player treats their goals. When the goal is made or accomplished, you should celebrate with pure passion: run around like a little kid, do your favorite dance, and thank everyone who doubted you. Before you celebrate, though, you must make sure you decide upon a goal that will make you want to run around and scream at the top of your lungs. 

Pick a BIG Goal

A goal that I recently accomplished is being in the single digits when it comes to my body fat percentage. It took me about 605 days to get myself below 10% body fat, or in other words, about 7% of my entire life. A lot of the time, goals can seem like they take forever, but they basically never do. Think about your goals in 3-month increments and ask yourself what you can accomplish in 3 months from now. Think about what you can accomplish day by day and week by week, and those three months will feel a lot shorter.  In the grand scheme of things, 3 months, six months, or even two years is a joke compared to how you live, especially if you live in the present and think about what you can do TODAY or TOMORROW to get closer to the things you want to accomplish.

It’s Okay If It’s Difficult

I chose this goal because I knew it would be difficult. I was not sure I would be able to accomplish it, but that is a big reason why I decided to make this my goal – if I chose something that I knew I could accomplish, then it is far too easy to take weeks off because, in the back of my head, I will think about how I won’t have to put in a ton of work to achieve the goal. Also, if something is too easy, then we won’t be celebrating it like we just scored in the FIFA World Cup. Make sure your goal is specific and something that you know will be difficult to achieve. If you do not achieve it, you can reflect on what went right or wrong and get back after it and give yourself some more time to achieve that goal.

You Don’t Have to Tell Anyone…

Do not tell everyone about your goals. I believe you should tell virtually no one about your goals unless they are a close family member, a close friend, or someone who is going to help you achieve that goal (doctor, workout partner, personal trainer, nutritionist, etc.). If your goal is something that you are doing because you want to tell everyone about it, then you should probably pick a new goal. If you are not doing it for yourself, then it will be very easy to lose motivation. You are the one who must put in the work. No one cares about your goals more than you do. 

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

Lastly, it is essential to have a plan for this goal. Put some pen to paper and write out what your goal is. Decide how you are going to achieve it, what might stop you on the way (so that you will know how to overcome those barriers), and figure out how much time you are willing/able to dedicate a day, week, or month and then plan out how long this goal will take you. Again, work in three-month increments and decide where you think you can be every three months or so, then figure out what celebration you are going to do once that goal is accomplished.


