Blog Graphic: How Does Voting Impact My Health? Image of hands holding "vote" buttons.

It’s not new knowledge that the government is responsible for procedures regarding both population and individual health laws and policies. Issues regarding every aspect of our health and well-being are meticulously combed over in all branches of the U.S. government. Laws and policies are crafted in the House of Representatives, congress, and Senate, where they are passed on to and executed by the cabinet, vice president, and president. The Supreme Court and other federal courts are then responsible for interpreting and upholding each of these laws. Arguably, your single vote has a tremendous amount of impact in local and off-year elections, especially with the results of multiple recent elections being won by hair-thin margins. This is why every individual vote during an election is so important. Not only does your vote matter, but it can greatly impact how issues revolving around your health are dealt with depending on which candidates are elected and what priorities they hold within their agendas.

Making Your Voice Known Through Voting

Legislation often reflects the needs and interests of those who make their voices known through voting. Please read that again. This impact is vital to understand. Those who prioritize their well-being surrounding issues of health need to vote. Foregoing a ballot does not allow the legislative bodies to be representative of everyone. This means the health needs may not be met in a population with low voting percentages as opposed to one with high percentages. Areas with greater civic engagement often see overall increased health outcomes in the long term due to elected officials being more representative of the entire body that elected them. Additionally, it is important to recognize those who may face barriers when getting to the polls on election day and provide assistance when possible. Often, these individuals are underrepresented yet share the strongest values concerning health. It is important for every voice to be heard and the health need for every body to be represented.

It’s Not Just About Individuals

Policy can also impact your health in a broader scope, looking outside the individual. Local and federal laws and regulations also impact businesses. But how does that affect your health? Think about the gyms you attend, restaurants you dine in, and the grocery stores where you shop. Outside of how policy impacts the operation and procedures of a business, think about all the regulations that are enforced to ensure quality services are provided. There are health codes, food and drink regulations, safety enforcements, and so much more, which impact the environments we interact with every day. Taking the time to vote helps ensure your health and the health of others are prioritized when navigating everyday life.

Don’t Discount Your Health

Overall, your health is a priority. It is more than an issue revolving around illness and injury- it is your sense of safety and feeling of wellbeing. Our health is impacted by a web of external interactions in our daily lives. We need to make sure our voices are heard, and our health is made a priority within our government. Each one of our votes impacts our health.




MY MOM’S HALUPKI: (AKA. Stuffed Cabbage)