BLOG GRAPHIG: PFP Method & the Benefits of Group Training. Image of 3 women showing off their strong biceps.

Exercise for some can be a solitary pursuit. Some people are very self-motivated and can easily stick to a training program that aligns with their goals and keeps them on a regular schedule. While this is great for some individuals, others need other avenues to training and fitness overall. One option that has been very successful for decades now is group training classes. Group training offers many benefits to both a group and an individual. At PFP, our group class, The PFP Method, provides our members with all the tools they need to get stronger, healthier, and build a sense of community in our space.


Training or exercise, in general, can be difficult to find your way into or to stick with because it's about having a plan and being consistent. Whether you exercise two days a week or six, having to plan your workouts accordingly so that you can accomplish your goals is a bit of a chore and can be something that stops you from going to the gym. The PFP method is a structured weekly program that combines all the elements of a good workout plan. Each class contains strength movements like squats, deadlifts, presses, and single-limb movements. In addition, there’s cardiovascular/muscular endurance training, as well as mobility and core exercises. All of this takes place in an hour-long class designed to give a full scope of exercise modalities. While PFP Method is scheduled for three days a week, there are other Method-like classes, such as Kettlebell classes and PFP primal classes. These classes have slightly different structures, but the overall goals of each mirror those of our Method classes. Not only does this offer a little bit of variety of class types, but it can also work with your schedule. Maybe you can’t make class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, well, try out Primal class on Tuesday or Thursday night Kettlebell.


Our goal here at PFP is to create a sense of community that you can enjoy and that motivates you to accomplish your own exercise goals. We have a wide array of members with different exercise experiences, backgrounds, and interests. In many instances, we have members who have never been to a gym before, or if they have, they’ve had limited experience and oftentimes do not feel confident in the space. Our job as coaches and trainers is to make this space as comfortable and engaging as possible. One of the ways we do this in class, especially with newer members, is to modify and adjust exercises to cater to a person's skill level. Over time, as the individual gets stronger and more confident, they can progress and challenge themselves even further. Maybe someone can’t do a barbell back squat, try a goblet squat or an air squat. This is very common as certain movements in class have a skill component to them, and just like any other skill, we have to practice it to get better and improve.

Finding the Right Fit

Engagement and personability are things we value a lot at PFP. All of our coaches come from many backgrounds, both socially and in past experiences. From collegiate training experience and college athletic performance to long-time personal and group training experience, there’s no shortage of perspective from the staff at PFP. This allows us to help our members from any starting point to succeed in whatever exercise goal they’d like to achieve. PFP Method is a wonderful place to start for any member, and it can be a step-off point to many other goals. Come try it out!


