So, what is grounding? Simply put, grounding is the practice of putting your skin in contact with the Earth. Going barefoot would be the easiest way to make that happen. But why do people think going barefoot has any health benefits?

Healing Energy

Grounding is said to allow the free flow of electromagnetic energy between the earth and our bodies. Some researchers assert grounding does several things, including:

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Lowering stress

  • Increasing our immune function

While some studies back up these ideas, the number of subjects used to make the claims is small.  

Some people have encouraged using devices like sleeping mats connected to the ground to provide contact with this energy. Studies have not shown clear benefits, though.

 Other researchers have noted that a placebo effect may play a part in study results. That means we feel better when we think we are doing something of benefit for ourselves, and our body responds in kind. 

So what’s the bottom line?

Grounding certainly won’t hurt you. And the biomechanics of walking barefoot may actually help you. The other claims of health benefits need more extensive, structured research before we know whether they offer real help. 


