How do we maintain Winter Wellness during cold and flu season? Do immune system boosters work? We can do lots of things to keep ourselves healthy from all the circulating viruses right now. Let’s look at what might benefit us most.

 Hand Washing

While not very exciting, washing your hands is the best way to prevent picking up an infection. You can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash with soap and water. When using soap, try a scent-free one like Dove and wash for 20 seconds. Antibacterial soaps aren’t necessary. We can maintain winter wellness best with this simple task!


Viruses are having a party right now! No one wants to go back to masks but consider wearing one in crowded settings.  Cold and flu season was minimal last year when we wore them.

Vitamin C

Your momma told you to drink your OJ in the morning. She was right.  Studies show that adults who take 200 mg of Vitamin C every day might shorten the duration of a cold when they get one. Vitamin C doesn’t prevent colds, though. (See hand washing above.) And Vitamin C in high doses can have bad side effects. It can also interact with certain medications, so always check with your provider before taking any supplement.


This little purple berry has been used for centuries as an extract to treat colds and flus. Some studies have found that elderberry shortens the duration of the flu, but more recent research has not.  You can’t consume this berry uncooked; it’s toxic. If you decide to try an extract, contact your healthcare provider for guidance.


Researchers have looked at this herbal supplement for years. Unfortunately, the evidence to show whether it actually prevents colds or shortens their duration is not strong.


Recent findings show that Zinc lozenges can reduce the length of a cold by a day. But you need to take it within 24 hours of when your cold starts. Zinc can also cause nausea, and you have to be careful about taking too much.


Honey can soothe the throat, and studies have demonstrated some benefits for lessening cough at night.  Add a tablespoon to some warm tea with lemon juice. You can’t give honey to kids less than a year of age due to the risk of botulism, though.

Other General Health & Winter Wellness Tips

You can do other things to maintain good health this winter:

  • Get regular rest and maintain a routine sleep schedule

  • Maintain a balanced diet with a variety of colorful fruits and veggies

  • Eat less healthy holiday foods in moderation

  • Keep up the exercise. Try an indoor class at PFP (link to class schedule)

These tips will keep you healthy all winter. Wash those hands!


