It is that time of the year again, where we to buy our love ones a gift for the holidays. Sometimes it can be a struggle to find that perfect gift or we have that one person who seems to have everything. So what do we do for them?
Buying Online
The idea of buying online might sound like an easy solution because you do not have to leave the house but sometimes you might not get what you thought you bought. The item can be the wrong size, low quality or it may go to the wrong address. When any of those happen it can be a challenge to return it or exchange the item or even find out where it was delivered.
Getting Out and Shopping
While traffic can be hard enough, but the holidays seem to bring out even more people. The stores can be packed full of people and the latest gadgets get bought quickly. Plus, if you are buying for that hard to buy for person you might find yourself going to a lot of stores.
Jason’s Solution for Gift Giving
In 2018 Jason and his wife went to Mexico City, which lead to them giving gifts of experiences rather than physical items. The next few years lead to them both going on trips to Guatemala, Colombia and Puerto Rico where he and his wife experienced each country’s holiday lights and some of the festivities.
Some Ideas of Experience Gifts
The ideas of giving an experience does not have to be limited to travel to other countries but can be something local to a small town or big city you and your recipient have wanted to experience. The experience could be something they have never had before or maybe just a long time ago, such as a massage at the Pittsburgh Fitness Project.
Massage as Gift
Massage has many benefits that can help us get through the holidays. The main one for this time of year is stress reduction. Massage can sometimes lead to a life-changing experience for those who have lived their life in some discomfort. So, book yours today at Pittsburgh Fitness Project or buy one for that love one.