Whether we are just beginning or continuing or our gym journeys, it’s easy to give all of our focus to the end goal and find ourselves caught up in the long-game of achieving our desired results. However, it is monumentally challenging to feel a sense of achievement for the less dramatic improvements. For many, it seems that the primary goals of committing to a regular workout routine lie in physical changes – often, appearance or improved competitive performance. However, neither of these are easy to celebrate without fully committing to the training regimen and putting in the extra work beyond the workouts themselves.
Progress Isn’t Linear
Therefore, it’s not surprising that someone may feel like they’re not making the progress they want in their ideal timeframe, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t improvements taking place that contribute to the end-goal.
Think back to how you were when you started: what was your mindset? How did you carry yourself throughout your day? Were you intimidated by entering this new world rife with workout jargon? How many exercises did you know? What was your level of comfort learning new exercises?
Now take a moment and consider how you are now. How has your self-talk changed? Have you started to speak our language? How has your daily life changed - do you feel different getting out of bed? Have you noticed a change in stamina? Do you feel as though you walk taller?
Write It All Down
A seemingly small yet powerful tool at our disposal is keeping a record of these small wins. Whether you choose to write these down in a notebook or on a digital notepad, taking the time to log these can help remind you of all of the things that are helping to inch you closer to your goal. Each instance of progress is a drop in the bucket, and eventually, that bucket will start to look pretty full as the number of wins begins to accumulate.
It is incredibly challenging to succeed in any goal if the focus remains only on the result. However, when we’re willing to pause and recognize that every small achievement nudges us toward that goal, we empower ourselves to continue putting in the work. So next time you’re in the gym and lift a new weight, hit a new depth of movement, or dominate an exercise’s technique, let yourself feel that sense of accomplishment – let it bolster you and fuel your progress as you fill your bucket.