In the fitness world, you can find a lot of different methods and focuses for working out. Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out what's the best fit. You can start by researching gyms, coaches, and services offered. But to find the best fit, sometimes you need to look deeper. You can look at the gym's atmosphere and how the coaches engage other members. Does it feel like a community? Is it the right community for you? That's important because community promotes connection and a sense of togetherness. There's something special about starting a group class or joining a team sport. Working out together helps you form bonds and, ultimately, new friendships. Sharing the same experiences brings everyone together. When you join an exercise group or team, these new connections foster greater consistency and accountability. They can also create more motivation and excitement about a workout.

Working Out Takes Effort

In any fitness program or sport, working out and practicing alone takes extra effort and commitment. Sometimes, it's easier to turn off the nagging alarm, roll over in your warm bed, and go back to sleep instead of getting up for that early morning workout, which didn’t seem so bad the night before. It can also be just as hard after a long day's work or school to fight the nagging voice longing to go home and curl up on the couch instead of heading to the gym or practicing and finding the effort to be active. A busy day is often sandwiched between the two most ideal times to exercise. Yet those are the times the brain just wants to turn off and relax.

On those rough days, having a regular workout group offers a way to break through these barriers. Everyone gets to go through it together and come out the other side closer and stronger. Joining a group atmosphere allows for a support system to develop through both peers and the coach. Other group members understand how hard it is to show up and get through a workout. Coaches serve as reliable guides for safe and efficient workouts. These relationships are like built-in safety nets for staying on track. They help us show up on those tough days. And coaches are proud and encouraging when we show consistency, make progress, and meet our goals. Everyone lifts everyone up in group and team atmospheres; every win is a group win! Accomplishments feel even more special because we celebrate together.

Finding the Motivation

Motivation is another reason to do group workouts. Groups help us show up, work hard, and make an effort. Sometimes, working out alone causes plateaus in performance. Finding the extra strength to push through the last rep or the last sprint can be hard. It can be easier to stop short or cut reps because it’s too much effort, and no one else is watching. But when we cut corners, it slows progress and causes boredom. We've all gone through that! When we find a change of pace and people pushing each other, the hard parts are fun. Working out with others in a group creates a shared experience, whether doing grueling weight training one day or running a lot of sprints on another. The atmosphere fosters motivation to find the grit deep down and push through to the end.

It Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard

Physical activity doesn’t have to be hard or unenjoyable. Find the right setting and the right group! As you build consistency and community, exercise won't feel like a chore. Pushing through a workout and being encouraged and cheered on becomes gratifying, especially when you meet your goals. There's no better feeling than sharing an experience with a community. Take that step, make the leap of faith. Commit to finding the right team or best exercise group to join. A good community encourages others. It makes the finish line seem closer and the process fun. Making friends truly helps the hard part become easier. Your reward will be worth the effort it took to show up and finish

If group training seems like the right fit for you, check out our new small-group courses!




MEET TIFFANY MARTINCIC: Massage Therapist, Fascial Stretch Therapist, & Rock Tape Practitioner