BLOG GRAPHIC: WHAT IS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FROM TRAINER KENDRA MCBROOM. Image of trainer walking around with a younger athlete.

Being active does not have to be exercise. It does not have to look like a strict routine and does not require lifting “scary weights” (although weights don’t have to be scary, but that’s a blog for another time). To be physically active, all you have to do is move. Any type of movement beyond rolling over in bed is adequate.

Getting out of bed to start your day is being active. Yes, picking up a fork full of cake is technically being active. Bending over to tie your shoe? Also considered a form of being active.

But really? What does it mean to be active?

Being active just means you are moving. It means you are not a couch potato. Being active is great for getting the things you need to get done in your life. What is important to understand, however, is that some forms of activity do not provide added benefit to your overall health. Yes, performing activities of daily living is necessary for maintaining independence, but how do you ensure you can continue to perform these tasks in the long term?

This is where it’s important to be physically active. It is being active with a little more intension behind the movement. Again, being physically active does not have to be scary or look like exercise if that’s not right for you. It just means you have to move enough to increase your energy expenditure.

What is physical activity?

Physical activity can look like any movement that directly gets your heart rate up, increases your breathing (whether it’s a little or a lot), or produces a little sweat. Typically, this involves a more complex motion than getting out of bed, eating cake, or tying your shoe. Physical activity can look like walking to a chair from bed and back a few times. Standing up and sitting down a few times while you eat cake. It’s taking a walk after you tie your shoe. Doing chores around the house.

Physical activity can take form anywhere in your life. It’s an extra trip to the water cooler during work. Taking the steps instead of the elevator. Parking in a spot further away from the entrance in the parking lot. It does not have to be strenuous, but there does have to be a little bit more intention behind the movement.

Start small!

The good news is you don’t need any extra equipment to be physically active. You can begin by incorporating small, intentional movements into your normal routine. When you are used to the new routine you build, begin to challenge yourself and slowly make things more challenging. Keep this progression up, and see how being physically active can benefit you!


