BLOG GRAPHIC: WHY IS SPRING A GOOD TIME TO START WEIGHTLIFTING. Image of woman prepping to lift a barbell.

Your new fitness journey has come to a point where you want a new focus. The New Year's fitness goal was to get strong, be more active, and feel better, but you want a little bit more of a challenge. Weightlifting can be a great addition for you. Weightlifting is a barbell sport that comprises the two lifts, the snatch and the clean and jerk. While learning these lifts you will also train the squat, deadlift, presses, rows, and other strength exercises. What makes weightlifting so challenging but so fun?

Skill Acquisition and Technical Practice

Weightlifting involves moving the barbell at high speeds very precisely. In order to move at high speed confidently you must move the bar in a consistent path again and again. I think this makes the pursuit of weightlifting very fun and engaging. You are striving for repeatable technique similar to a golf swing or shooting a basketball. This keeps a good mix and variation of daily focus in the sport. Where regular strength training like squats and deadlifts has some technical aspects it most involves moving as much weight as possible to get better. Weightlifters can have different focuses each day whether it be moving as much as possible or a more technical day where the goal is to be more precise. This can keep things fresh and fun. 

Pairs well with other Sports Performance Style Training

As the weather starts to get a little nicer maybe you want to get back outside and do some running, sprinting, or play rec sports with your friends. Weightlifting pairs well with activities like this. Weightlifting can help improve your explosivity and force output especially in your lower body. You can build greater ranges of motion in your hips, knees, ankles, and shoulders. It can help your joints and muscles feel better after longer and more intense games or sessions. There’s a reason many collegiate and pro athletes use weightlifting movements to help them sprint faster, change direction, and jump higher. Weightlifting is beneficial for anyone looking to improve their overall athleticism.

Finding a New Community  

Weightlifting over the last 15 years has grown significantly in the US. What was once a very niche group of the strength sport world has become much more common. Many gyms now have a small community of weightlifters. If you’ve ever been nervous about entering a gym and feeling confident training there, PFP has many small groups, one-on-one, and team training classes to help you learn and weightlifting in a great environment. Within that community is a caring group of people who share the common goal of getting better at the sport and becoming better because of it. PFP functions beautifully in this way. With a caring and supportive environment; with coaches and lifters who mirror that sentiment. It’s a place where people want to see you succeed and learn right alongside them. Come check us out and book an assessment with one of our coaches!
